My Blog Ulterior Motives

How it feels to love your job...

At Uber, there is constant motivation.

Our growth: insane. Our team: amazing.

I’ve never been around a more talented, intelligent, creative, and hardworking group of people. Everyone believes in what we’re working on, we feed off of each other.

Of course, it’s not all perfect, it’s a startup and at times I get frustrated. We’re growing SO fast and there’s SO much work to do, that you can easily feel overwhelmed. In actuality though, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Because… there’s no playbook… there’s no real job description. Everything you do, you have to figure out; you have to chase down; you have to grind for. If you have the go-getter mentality and the confidence that you can do anything, talk to anyone, and accomplish anything, then it’s the perfect place to work.

I have fifty-five jobs. I touch so many different items every day. Here are the tasks I juggle on a typical day:

  • Social media contests, outreach
  • Recruiting/interviewing
  • Planning a marketing promotion (and then getting an email from a major sports team that the promotion is illegal and asking that I take it down - all while getting hundreds of sign-ups and buzz)
  • Business development work - what other awesome companies can we partner with ?
  • Coffee with an event committee of a major charity gala
  • Answering hundreds of support tickets from someone who’s ride didn’t go well - with the goal of turning them into an ambassador
  • Managing a team of other Community Managers
  • Planning our next crazy, awesome, on-demand thing
  • Talking to the manager or publicist of a bunch of awesome athletes and celebs and trying to get them to ride with Uber

I have an inbox of opportunities. I get excited to check my email, because every few hours there’s a major win in there.

Our brand is SICK. What we do is exciting because of that. Our brand is so unique that it serves as an intro to talk to so many awesome people. I sit back at least once a week and think to myself, I can’t believe I’m having a conversation with this person today.

The pitch? Push a button and a car appears. It’s like magic. People talk about this. They tell everyone about this.

Our company culture, is the foundation that keeps us stable. At Uber, ideas are celebrated. If you want to go chase down an opportunity, then do it. If you think something should be done differently, then go change it, and prove that the change makes sense.

I love everyone who works here. I’ve spent time with Uber employees from all over the world. When we travel, we get houses (no hotel rooms, and you better be down to share a bed), and the bonding is crazy. We jam on ideas all day, and all night. And everyone works their asses off - it’s what we do.

We’re building out the best company culture on earth… and maybe the best company while we’re at it. We need you and we need your talented friends, so jump aboard the ship and help us grow this thing! I don’t care where you work; I guarantee you’ll have more fun working at Uber, and get way more fulfillment out of it.

To sum it up, my daily spectrum of work is wide. I can create and define my own role, determine what is a valuable opportunity and go after it, and that’s all celebrated at our company. The autonomy of my job is ridiculous. Everyone is their own boss, there’s just one expectation: get your work done.

I wake up excited to work everyday. Ready to feel that way?